Interest Group Leadership
Interest Group Members
The Secretariat
The Secretariat
The scientific secretariat is coordinated by European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO) EASO promotes action across Europe through collaboration in advocacy, policy development, communication, education and research.
Established in 1986, EASO is a non-profit federation of professional membership associations from 36 European countries. Via its membership, EASO represents over 4000 individuals and over 15000 virtual members in Europe – many are leaders in obesity research and management, and experts in related fields. It is the voice of the European obesity community, representing scientists, health care practitioners, physicians, public health experts and patients.
EASO is also the scientific secretariat for OPEN-EU, the Obesity Policy Engagement Network – EU. OPEN-EU acts as a collaborative policy coalition, which seeks to ensure that all relevant European institutional strategies and policies integrate measures that effectively help support people living with obesity at EU, national and Regional levels and that the treatment of obesity as a gateway disease to type 2 diabetes, certain cancers and over 230 other complications of obesity. Through the global network, members obtain insights and tangible tools on how to put in place effective national obesity strategies which deliver workable, effective solutions to address obesity as a chronic relapsing disease.